Chairman BOD of H Healthcare Berhad, Dr. Ti Lian Geh delivered an inspiring speech at the Leader in Medicine: South East Asia (LIMSEA) Summit Year 2021 attended by 64 exemplary health professionals from around the world to be trained by Harvard’s team of excellent mentors.
In his speech, Dr. Ti Lian Geh emphasized the need for a new breed of leaders in the healthcare industry who are caring, passionate, and compassionate. He encouraged the leaders of Harvard Medical School to be the catalysts of change towards better health and a better world for all.
Dr. Ti reminded the audience of the words of Martin Luther King, who said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” He urged everyone to stand up for what they believe in, even in times of challenge and controversy.
Overall, Dr. Ti’s speech was a powerful call to action for healthcare leaders to make a difference in the world.